Let’s be honest, there is something a little intimidating about 700 women in the same room. Its just that we spend a lot of time as women sizing each other up, comparing, and over analyzing . Full of insecurities, us women sometimes take each other down without even realizing we are doing it. But not here, this weekend was different.
Sometimes I wonder how people get to be where they are. While at She Speaks I met world renowned speakers, editors at huge publishing houses, and accomplished authors. They all had one thing in common: humility. Each one of them knew, without a shadow of a doubt, they did not get there by anything they did or didn’t do. They got there by trusting God first and living for His purposes instead of their own. In all of this, I saw a beautiful glimpse of what God desires His kingdom to look like. Full of grace for one another and love for the women around us that far surpasses any insecurities or doubts we have in ourselves.
Now, to be clear, I was in full freak out mode. The kind of freaking out that makes you feel like you are literally a crazy person, and the only thing you can do is fixate a smile on your face. Which, by the way, doesn’t always work out so great because sometimes a smile is not the appropriate facial expression and I found myself laughing and smile when things were not funny. As I said, full freak out mode.
Then, one by one, God sent these women into my day to help pull me out of my own mind. Out of my own thoughts and insecurities to remember that it is not about me…it is about Him. Focus on Christ and Christ alone. I have never felt so loved, cared for, and reminded that insecurity is not only destructive for us, it is destructive for the very grace and love that God wants us to spend our time giving to others.
My Mother-in-law said something powerful this morning, she said that there is something so affirming about being listened to. It is funny that her comment came on the heels of this weekend, because listening was the key ingredient for grace. Remember, She Speaks is a conference for speakers and writers. SO not only do you have 700 women in one place, but you have 700 in one place who ALL have something to say! I am certain the giggling and chatter could be heard for miles. But I was astounded and blessed around every corner, meeting women who wanted to hear first and talk second. Listen, sometimes without ever being heard.
May I say, hearing their stories was far better than anything I had to say. This is a picture of my friend Emily B. Freeman (more about her to come on Wednesday) and her new friend Marta, from Poland! Yes, Poland!
What brought her here? Why on earth would Marta travel the globe, spend all that time and money, to come to this conference? She came because she believes in the value of what God can do through the lives of women who serve Him wholeheartedly. She came to find His grace, wisdom, and love through the women He created and bring it back to the women she serves in Poland. Marta came to touch just corner of His cloak. Luke 8:40-48
Today, may you give someone the gift of grace through a listening ear and may you embrace the very best medicine for our insecure thoughts: humility.