Doubting Decisions

I quit my job and I love it.  I have never felt such peace in my entire life.  But since I have stopped working people keep asking me the same question: “Are you writing another book then?”  A sane, calm, rational person says, “Thanks for asking, but no.  I am taking some time off with …


PEACE in 2013

The peace of a three year old.  You gotta love it…   Does it matter that it is 3 in the afternoon?  Nope.  Does it matter that he was right in the middle of eating?  Nope.  Does it even matter that this, late in the day, nap is going to completely throw away any sense …


Outward Adornments

My daughter Faith just skipped excitedly into my room.  The light in her eyes and the height of her skip was something to behold.  She said, “Mommy look at my hair!!  Its straight!  Isn’t it beautiful??” Then she started sprinting from one side of the room to the other and in between her breathes for …