What is YOUR adventure?

My good friend Karrie has spent her month of October talking about adventure.  She should talk about it…she is the most adventurous person I know.  In all her sky-diving, hang gliding, roller coastering glory she is all adventure.  All the things I never thought I could be (or was scared to be).  So you have to imagine …


Will You Write a Review?

God has been moving in so many amazing ways over the past few months.  I have laughed with you, cried with you, and prayed with you as together we move towards a tomorrow where young women will look at themselves in the mirror and instead of downloading a barrage of personal insults they will say …


The Burden of Worry

If I am not in the active process of worrying I feel like something is missing.  I start looking around as if searching for misplaced keys “Where did it go? I was worrying about something what was it again?” When did this happen? Sometimes I feel like I was born with it, this inscessant need …